Botanical Garden in the Fall

There are some days that seem super heavy or overwhelming and for those days the best pick-me-up that I have found is to get out in nature. I have known it for a long time but really leaned into this when Bryce and I were in graduate school. It was just the two of us in a new place and I felt lost in a big city where I wasn’t spending any time in nature. Soon enough I was able to turn that around once I started photographing flowers. I know I have shared before that my studio was covered in fresh flowers, ones that had passed their prime, and of course the flowers I had hanging to dry. All of these flowers created a little oasis for me at that time.

Now we live in Phoenix and I am still always looking for that nature escape! Last week I took a morning trip to the Botanical Garden after I dropped the kids off at school. I like to go when they first open because there are times that it can feel like it is just me in the desert with no one around. As the morning goes on more and more people show up but you can always find those moments where it feels like the entire garden is yours alone.

These trips take me away and give me a moment to breathe and stop thinking about all the things that need to be done. I find inspiration in the cacti and gardens filled with flowers. As I walk around I find that the garden is filled with soooooooo many types of cacti that I have never seen, which inspire me to learn more about that type of cactus, and then I question if that would be a good cactus for my growing cactus garden.

They change up the art installations at the Botanical Garden, I’m guessing around every six months or so, which is an extra reason to go there. Earlier this year they had Chuluy in the Garden, check out this blog post from earlier this year to see Chuluy art, and now Playing in the Garden: Rotraut. Her art is large bold colorful sculptures that are both abstract and yet give you a feeling that you know what it is about at the same time. When I first walked in there was a little girl telling her mom, “That one looks like a G.” Her mom told the garden attendant that everything looks like a G because her name starts with a G and she associates everything with that right now. I loved overhearing that moment and knowing that these sculptures have a different meaning for every person.

A photograph of a Ferocactus glaucescens cactus.

Have you been to the Botanical Garden in Phoenix this fall? What was your favorite part? Is it the art, getting to walk around, the plants, or is it a little bit of all of it?


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